Please check the video of the event here:
Inspire Talks is an exciting opportunity to enjoy hearing about cutting edge topics from science and design. In the next session we will feature two student treasure hunters from the Division of Industrial Design (DID) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). They will be presenting their latest project in collaboration with DLX Design Lab (DLX) and Ikeuchi Lab at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo. Their project focuses on demystifying Ikeuchi Lab’s research on in vitro brain-like tissues through facilitating interaction between users and the lab-grown tissues. What if you could talk to neurons? A live demonstration and networking session is planned after the presentations. Please come and enjoy the live demo and casual conversation with the treasure hunters and visitors!
Date / Time: Friday July 29th, 2022 - 19:00-20:30 hrs (Japan)
Venue: S-Building, Komaba II Research Campus, The University of Tokyo
Hosted by: DLX Design Lab
Participation fee: Free!
Alexandra Arguelles
The National University of Singapore, Division of Industrial Design
Alexandra Arguelles is a multidisciplinary designer with a passion for creating. She believes design is the perfect avenue for cultivating a real connection with real people. With an interest in form finding and experience design, she has worked on past projects such as musical cleaning instruments, and haptic stationery made from sheet plastic. Designing with a playful authenticity, she merges design and play to create genuine and impactful outcomes.
Prasanth Kumaar
The National University of Singapore, Division of Industrial Design
Prasanth (Pras) is an experience designer looking towards the use of technology and design to create a positive impact for society. He enjoys looking at design opportunities from various angles in order to create solutions for a cohesive and impactful user experience. Some of his previous works explore DIY personalised interactions on digital devices, as well as haptics with silicone and magnets.
Kindly funded by the UTokyo Ushioda Foundation, 生産技術研究奨励会・特定研究奨励助成【フィージビリティスタディ】, and Beyond AI